E-911 Public Meeting
A public meeting was held by the Board of Selectmen on June 6 to solicit public comments on the town’s plans to bring the following town roads into E-911 compliance.
· Barderry Lane
· Highland Avenue
· Lamprey Drive
· Meindl Road East
· North River Lake Road East
· Pine Street
· Tuckaway Shores Road
· Union Street
· White's Grove Road
These roads were identified as being the most likely to cause confusion for fire, ambulance, and police. Bringing these roads into compliance will require a variety of changes, from renaming all or portions of roads, naming some shared driveways, and renumbering houses. These changes have no effect on the roads’ legal status. Specific details are on the town’s website.
The deadline for resident suggestions – primarily what to name the roads – is due to the Board by July 5. The Board anticipates making a final decision at their July 11 meeting, and anticipates notifying residents of the decision in August and implementing the decision in September.
Residents voiced a variety of complaints. Largely these were about the financial and monetary costs this would impose upon them. In a few cases residents argued that parts of the maps being used to base the decisions on were in error.
Board of Selectmen Meeting
Separately from the E-911 meeting the Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting.
Large Unanticipated Increase in IT Support Costs
Due to changes on the provider’s end, the town must change IT support providers. All quotes received were substantially higher than what the town currently spends. The town has worked with the prospective providers to modify the RFP to lower costs, with some effect, but IT services are going to go far above budget. The town’s new vendor will be Back Bay Networks, located in Dover.
New Hires
The fire department has made 2 new hires.
The police department has hired a new officer. His name is Austin Wragg. He has 3 years’ experience working in Massachusetts. He is currently an officer at Merrimack College. He lives in Derry.
New Committee Being Formed to Review Town-Owned Buildings
A committee is being formed to review the town’s buildings to determine what renovations are needed and what future uses the town may have for the buildings. A name for the committee has yet to be selected. Potential candidates for the committee have been identified.
State Funds Coming to Nottingham
Chris Sterndale reported that the state has a large budget surplus and will be sharing this with towns via a one-time payment for various purposes, notably retirement funds, schools, and highways. Funds must be used for targets designated by the state legislature, but the funds do not have to be immediately spent. Figures are not yet available.
Tax Bills
Tax bills have been mailed. Residents who have not received their tax bills should call the town office.
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