Board of Selectmen Meeting, August 19, 2024
Library septic work, problems with replacing the gym floor, Fire Department receives grant, Highway Department to buy wood-chipper. More.
Library Septic System
The library's septic system replacement will take longer than planned. Unexpected jackhammering was needed to install the tank, and the existing fill for the leach field unexpectedly needed to be replaced. As the Highway Department is doing most of the work, these setbacks will not incur substantive additional out-of-pocket expenses.
The library will remain closed until Tuesday, August 27. Emi’s Portapotties has donated the use of a portapotty until the new septic system is certified.
Other News
Proposals for replacing the floor in the Community Center gym were reviewed. The situation has turned out to be more complex and expensive than originally envisioned in the warrant article funding the replacement. The existing floor may contain asbestos. This will be tested on Friday. The board requested the Building Maintenance Manager attend the next board meeting to discuss the situation.
The Fire Department has been awarded a $163k grant for radio replacement. The grant requires the Town to match 5% of the award.
The board reviewed information about 20 pieces of land the Town owns but is not using. Most of these properties are very small, and many are backlots. At least one is a wetland, and one contains a cemetery. The Building Inspector will be requested to visit the properties and report on them. The board will then consult with the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission about possible usages. One lot designated as “community land” needs to be researched to determine whether it is correctly deeded. Its correct status may be jointly owned and, therefore, taxable.
The board approved spending $23k from the Highway Block Grant fund to acquire a used diesel-powered wood chipper for the Highway Department.
Bids were received for two vehicles the Town put up for bid. A bid of $800 was accepted for the non-running 2012 Ford F350. The bids on the 2016 Ford Explorer that will not pass inspection were rejected as being below scrap value. The vehicle will be scrapped.
The board approved a plan to create volunteer advisory committees for the Recycling Center and the Recreation Department.
The state’s Right-to-Know Ombudsman granted a request to review several redacted documents and found the redactions to be in order.
The board agreed to conduct a re-evaluation of the Town’s providers for legal, audit, and property valuation services. The Town Administrator will send out a request for proposals.
Cooler weather has allowed demolition work to resume at the back of the Community Center.
A request to unseal the board’s February 6, 2024 non-public minutes was unanimously approved.
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Sounds like this was a productive meeting.
And kudos to emi's port-a-potties! Nottingham is lucky to have community minded people and businesses.