Rats in Town Hall
Recent increased efforts to exterminate the rats that have infested Town Hall have been unsuccessful. The rat population in Town Hall is believed to have increased. Orkin inspected Town Hall and found evidence of rats entering on both sides of the building and lots of rat activity above the ceiling tiles. The number of rat bait stations has since been tripled, and the rate of refreshing the bait stations has been increased from monthly to weekly. Orkin will also seal the exterior of the building.
The rat infestation may be affecting air quality inside Town Hall. A test is scheduled.
The Historical Society building was also inspected. An infestation of powder post beetles was discovered in the floor beams. This will be treated with pesticide in the spring.
Fire Chief Litigation
During public comment, two retired members of the Fire Department criticized a position reportedly raised by the Town Attorney, who was said to have filed for a dismissal of the former Fire Chief’s lawsuit against the town for improper dismissal on the grounds that Jaye Vilchock was not legally the Fire Chief because in early 2023 because the board had neglected to officially re-appoint him to the position he had held for the previous 16 years. As he was therefore technically not legally the Fire Chief, he should thus not be legally entitled to contest his dismissal as Fire Chief, regardless of the facts that he continued to serve as Fire Chief, be paid as Fire Chief, and referred to as “Fire Chief” in the town’s official documents.
If the case is not dismissed, a trial is anticipated in June.
Budget Adjustments
The Budget Committee requested the board to reconsider three line items for the Highway Department. The board adjusted two lines but rejected the Budget Committee’s suggestion that $200k of road work be added to the operating budget as this would require the removal of $200k from elsewhere in the budget to meet the 4% tax cap.
The board addressed unspent funds from the 2023 warrant articles about building maintenance, earmarking them for their intended purpose to be carried over into the 2024 budget rather than to lapse into the general fund as normally happens with other unspent funds.
Other News
Petitioned warrant articles are due Tuesday, January 9.
The Highway Department was able to repair the Recycling Center’s aluminum-can trailer, avoiding the need to buy the previously proposed replacement trailer.
The town’s new ambulance has finally been delivered. It is anticipated to be put into service by the end of the week.
Great reporting
I have heard rats are pretty smart!