Board of Selectmen Meeting, February 6, 2023
Recycling Center Backhoe
Interim Town Administrator John Scruton said that a good used backhoe could not be obtained and proposed spending $124k of ARPA funds to buy a new one. The backhoe will be serviced by the dealer. Motion passed, with John Morin dissenting.
Reconfiguration of Town Hall
There was an extended discussion about reconfiguring the town hall to turn the conference room used for public meetings to be offices for the recreation department, which needs more space and would benefit by being located closer to the gym and kitchen as these are used for recreation department activities. This would require substantial renovations to the back of town hall, which will be researched.
Mailbox Damage
A resident petitioned the town to have the town pay for replacement of their granite mailbox post that was destroyed by a town snow plow. As is typical, this mailbox post was in the town’s right-of-way. Historically the town has never paid for such damages. The petition was denied.
Limiting Usage of the Old Town Hall
The board approved a suggestion from the interim town administrator to limit usage of the old town hall, due to the building’s aged infrastructure. All events there will now have to be approved by the town administrator.
Anniversary Trust Fund
Unexpended funds in the 300th Anniversary Trust Fund will need to either be returned next year to the general fund or a new purpose will need to be created for the fund.
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