Board of Selectmen Meeting June 19, 2023
Investigation of the Fire Chief and Lieutenant has been concluded. Interim Director of Public Works appointed.
Charman Ben Bartlett began the meeting by saying that all comments and complaints must be held to the public comment period at the end of the meeting. This is a departure from past meetings where the board has routinely permitted brief public comments and questions during the meeting. He enforced this.
Investigation of the Fire Chief and Lieutenant
The investigation is complete. The investigator’s report has been received. The board will review the report in non-public session.
A member of the public complained to the board that there’s a rumor that a selectman’s spouse has leaked information about the issue to members of the public, and that confidential information has subsequently been posted on Facebook. This makes the board look bad.
Interim Director of Public Works
Steve Parkinson of Municipal Resources Inc. is serving 2 days per week as the Interim Director of Public Works. The former Director resigned to become Deputy Director of Public Works in Wells, Maine. The town has received a couple of resumes for the position.
Other Issues
Insurance will cover the fender and bumper damage on Fire Engine #2.
The primary for the special election to fill the state representative seat vacated by Ben Bartlett will be held on August 1 at the Town Hall.
A large number of people have failed to pay for their dog licenses despite multiple reminders. The Town Clerk will be starting a collection process. Police involvement may be needed for those who ignore the certified letters.
The cardboard baler at the Recycling Center has broken.
The Recycling Center is severely understaffed. The town is having difficulty filling the open positions. The summer months are the busiest of the year at the Recycling Center.
Two bids were received for the town’s used 10-wheel dumptruck. The town accepted the high bid of $5,657. The town had been offered $3,000 for the truck as a trade-in.
Fender damage on Engine #2
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