Budget Committee Meeting, September 7, 2023
As this was the committee’s first meeting since new members were elected, there was a discussion of the role and powers of the town’s Budget Committee. There was also a discussion of how in past years the meetings have been unruly and have “devolved into bickering,” and how the committee could better manage its meetings. It was proposed that the chairman be given a gavel and encouraged to use it to bring order. It was noted that the committee had no legal powers to police or punish members for their behavior on the committee.
Most of the meeting was devoted to updates on spending since the last budget cycle, with a focus on budget overruns.
There was discussion about the upcoming special town meeting called by the School Board to vote on a warrant article to increase the school’s operating budget by $186k for the purposes of building maintenance and technology. The funds will come from the state, not local taxation. The meeting will be on Wednesday, October 4 at 6 pm in the school cafeteria. More extensive discussion will be held at the next Budget Committee meeting in which the committee will vote on whether to recommend the warrant article to the voters.
The new Chairman, Michael Kelly, instituted beginning the committee meeting with the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Committee member Tom Bukiewicz can be seen in the video not pledging allegiance.
Watch the video: