Budget Committee Meeting, September 21, 2023
The committee discussed the school warrant article to be voted on by the town in a special town meeting on Wednesday, October 4 at 6 pm in the school cafeteria. The School Board called the special town meeting to vote on a warrant article to increase the school’s operating budget by $186k for the purposes of building maintenance and technology. The funds will come from the state, not local taxation.
The Budget Committee narrowly decided (6 to 5) to recommend that voters vote against the warrant article.
Following the vote, member John Decker explained why he voted against the article. He thought the special election was an unnecessary burden on the town’s voters. He thought that the operating budget should not be affected by additional revenues, and that while it’s nice that the town is getting a windfall of income, that doesn’t mean the town should have to spend it right away.
At several points - in this meeting, the prior meeting, and one of the School Board meetings - the School Board was asked how much this special meeting was going to cost the taxpayers. The School Board was unable to give a figure.
As in the prior meeting, committee member Tom Bukiewicz can be seen in the video not pledging allegiance. This time he is obscured by another member, but it is clear that his right hand remains by his side.
Watch the video: