On August 3rd former Fire Chief Jaye Vilchock filed suit in Rockingham Superior Court against the Town of Nottingham Boad of Selectmen under the provisions of RSA 154:5 which entitles Fire Chiefs to obtain judicial review over suspensions and dismissals.
Key accusations made in the court filing:
The details of the complaint filed against Mr. Vilchock were never disclosed to him.
Mr. Vilchock was “obligated to participate in a free-ranging inquisition” conducted by Charla Stevens, an investigator hired by the town.
Charla Steven’s report is “rife with factual errors which Mr. Vilchock was never afforded an opportunity to address prior to his termination.”
“The report demonstrates that the investigator accepted uncritically any accusation against Mr. Vilchock as fact, and rejected uncritically anything that Mr. Vilchock said in his defense.”
Mr. Vilchock is being represented by Craig McMahon of Rath, Young, and Pignatelli.
The Town Administrator and the Selectmen should resign.
They’ve proven themselves incompetent, unethical, and clearly do not care about, or represent the best interests of Nottingham.
It’s time for them to move on before they do more damage to this community.
The previous interim Town Administrator and Selectmen responsible for all of this could very well end up in court also.
As this reaches the county and state levels you have to wonder how many investigations will ensue?
This is a dark time for Nottingham that will never be forgotten.
As predicted.