September 12, 2022 Board of Selectmen Meeting
Town Administrator resigns, staffing woes, policing concerns....
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Hazardous waste collection on September 24.
Town Administrator Resigns
Town Administrator Chris Sterndale resigned. He will be becoming the Town Administrator for Auburn, NH. The board will begin recruiting a replacement. Until it can do so, it plans to use interim support from Municipal Resources Inc.
Staffing Woes
The loss of the Town Administrator is just one of the town’s staffing woes due to staff turnover. The police have one full-time and one part-time position open. The fire department has a position open, as does the highway department.
Policing Concerns
Police Chief Fawn Woodman reported that calls for police service for mental health, domestic violence, and juvenile problems are at an all-time high. Consequently, the police department has increased its staff training for dealing with mental health issues. Calls for police service about scams are huge right now. Arrests are up this year, as are accidents.
The police department needs an additional cruiser as a backup. They will accomplish this by retaining their oldest cruiser for an additional year before replacing it.
Halted Land Sale
The town has taken off the market the land it had for sale, due to a dispute about the title to the land.
State Park Fire
The state has agreed to pay the town half of the town’s costs for putting out the August fire in the state park.
Lamprey Drive E911
The board assured residents that if the residents were to complete the tiny section of Lamprey Drive that was supposed to have been built in the 1960s that the resulting configuration of Lamprey Drive would exempt any home now on Lamprey Drive from E911 changes. The board also thinks that this new section of road should be accepted as a town road. However, the board is requiring a survey to be conducted of the road that the residents have laid out before construction may begin and is requiring that the design meet the board’s approval.
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