A special, in-person town meeting election has been called by the School Board with little advance notice. The vote is at 6:00 pm tonight at the school cafeteria. Here’s the official announcement, which came out on September 30. The article is as follows:
ARTICLE 1: Shall the School District raise and appropriate an additional sum of One Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand Three Hundred Ten Dollars ($186,310) to be added to the 2023-2024 Operating Budget adopted by the District in March 2023 for the purpose of Building Maintenance, Technology for cyber security measures and equipment and Curriculum Materials; said funds to come from the increased education funding (adequacy aid) to be received from the State of New Hampshire for fiscal year 2023-2024 and not from general taxation.
The School Board recommends this appropriation by a 5-0 vote.
The Budget Committee does not recommend this appropriation by a 6-5 vote.
The issue at hand is confusing and the voters have not been provided much background information. Here are the key things voters should know.
The money is coming from the state. There is no impact on taxes.
The town will get the money regardless of the vote at the town meeting.
The money was unexpected, and therefore not budgeted for in the town’s budgets.
The total amount of money the town is receiving is about $240k. Of this, about $64k will automatically go into the town’s general fund.
The town meeting is to decide what budget the remaining $186k is to go into.
The School Board voted unanimously to recommend putting the $186k into the school’s current-year operating budget. This is what will happen if the voters approve the warrant article.
The School Board wants the money to be put into the school’s current operating budget to pay off the remaining $130,000.00 on the boiler that was replaced earlier this year, to improve cyber security measures to protect students and staff and sensitive records, and to buy textbooks.
The Budget Committee, by a 6 to 5 vote, disagreed with the School Board’s recommendation. The Budget Committee thinks the $186k should go into the town’s general fund. This is what will happen if the voters reject the warrant article.
Rejecting the warrant article does not mean that the town is rejecting the money and giving it back to the state.
This is not a town meeting it is a School District Meeting.