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The town’s ‘official statement’ regarding the timeline of events for the situation with NFRD, not surprisingly, lacks important information.

Obviously many important details are intentionally omitted.

A quick breakdown:

‘The town and admin received workplace complaints from employees’

Employees? What happened to the narrative of ‘6 members of NFRD’ complaining?

‘Employees’ infers full timers or someone else.

Can’t keep the story straight.

‘Impartial investigation’ - this has already been addressed publicly at the previous BOS meetings.

To claim any of the towns actions were ‘impartial’ is insanity.

The building inspector and some previous members of NFRD were contacted and asked to participate in the investigation.

What did any of those people have to do with the ‘complaint’ received in March?


To his credit, the building inspector showed some integrity by refusing to cooperate.

Same with the previous members of NFRD.

March 23- Lt escorted out of the Fire Station by police with other police officers standing by in the bays.

Why? Who ordered this action?

On the eve of March 23 the Chief simply asked the BOS ‘what this was all about’?

To which the BOS replied ‘we’re not here to discuss it’

Those were the last words the Chief had heard directly from the town.

The town never asked for the Chief or Lt’s account. After 40+ years of combined service to the community, the town lacked the decency to inform them of what they were being accused of.


This is only the beginning of the story.

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