The Newsletter was never intended to be used for political purposes. Candidates were allowed to submit their intent to run for office and a bit about themselves, but words like Bidenomics and Trumpism or attacks on town employees who drive nice cars were never what it was used for. I'm thankful the piece was edited; there's enough negativity in our daily lives without making the Nottingham Community Newsletter another vehicle for it. I'll miss seeing it in my mailbox and hope the hiatus will be a short one.

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I agree with the commenter below that a Community Newsletter is no place for political rantings and superficial judgements of other people.

Thanks to the editors.

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Thank you, Nottingham Republicans, for providing an excellent argument! You stated several reasons why it would be much more fair and equitable if NH towns paid for their Commons - roadways, beaches, playgrounds and fields, lakes and rivers, town offices, fire and police departments, historical societies, libraries, recreation and community departments and public schools with income tax revenues INSTEAD of depending on property taxes.

"The elitist [I would say the wealthier] in town obviously would not have problems with increased living costs and have no clue about how struggling residents live. There must be a balance between the two and that starts with electing the right people to represent us in government.”

Couldn't agree more! Let's elect people to the state legislature who recognize that paying for the Common Good based on ability to pay is much more equitable than paying based on your fluctuating property values, which over time tend to rise as your income falls in retirement. Seniors

and others whose income is diminished should not have to sell the homes they paid for when at their peak income producing years just because of the whims of the market and increased assessments reflected in property taxes. Reduce or cap property tax in accordance with enactment of a state income tax.

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